Silouette graphic representing Tipperary


Land that detracts from the amenity of land in the neighbourhood by allowing its buildings fall into ruin, or is neglected or collects litter, rubbish, debris or waste, can be derelict. The Environment Section will work with the Municipal District to address issues relating to Derelict Sites and Dangerous Structures.

The Citizens Information website has some information regarding derelict sites and dangerous


Revenue contact number for Local Property Tax (LPT) and Household Charge (HC) arrears queries from the public

Telephone: 1890 200 255 (ROI only)

+353 1 7023049 (outside ROI)

Revenue Commissioners email address for Local Property Tax (LPT) and Household Charge (HC) arrears queries from the

Revenue postal address for sending Local Property Tax (LPT) and Household Charge (HC) payments after July 1.

Local Property Tax Branch Revenue Commissioners PO Box 1 Limerick


Water complaints can relate to water pollution from agricultural, industrial/commercial or domestic activities, etc.


Any person collecting and transporting of waste for profit, reward or, otherwise in the course of business needs a waste collection permit.

Under Section 34 of the Waste Management Acts 1996-2011 the collection and transporting of waste for profit or reward or otherwise in the course of business requires a waste collection permit issued by a local authority, in accordance with the requirements of the Waste Management (Collection Permit) Regulations 2007, as amended.