Tipperary County Council’s Crisis Management Team met this morning to discuss impacts and road co
News Centre
- Due to adverse weather conditions the 5 Civic Amenity sites at Carrigeen, Donohill, Nenagh, Roscr06/01/25
- The N76 route is passable with care.05/01/25
- Due to the ongoing snow/ice event across Tipperary driving condition are very difficult acros05/01/25
- Road condition across Tipperary have deteriorated significantly in the past number of hours due t05/01/25
- The R665 Wood Road outside Clonmel has a number of trees down between Knocklofty hill and Dungarv05/01/25
- Due to the forecasted snow/ice event across Tipperary tonight and tomorrow Tipperary County Counc04/01/25
- Wintry showers and icy surfaces will lead to difficult travel conditions03/01/25
- Christmas Trees can be dropped off Free of Charge for recycling from Thursday 2nd January03/01/25