Press Release
4 February 2025
CHOICE BASED LETTING - This Week on CBL - Tuesday, 04/02/2025
Did you know that if you fail to Check a property out of your basket, your Expression Of Interest will not be recorded?
Please view the 2 minute videos below on how to correctly Express your Interest.
https://player.vimeo.com/video/691346863 - For Mobile Phone Users
https://player.vimeo.com/video/691349302 - For Desktop, Tablet and Laptop users.
Below are a list of properties advertised on Choice Based Letting (CBL) this week.
Tipperary County Council is inviting Approved housing applicants to express an interest in the below properties.
Please note, Applicants will only be able to View and Express an Interest in properties which they are approved for e.g. 1 bed, 2 bed, 3 bed etc.
- 1 X 2 Bed - Thurles
Please Note:
- Applicants can only view and bid on properties for which they are approved for, i.e. 1 bed, 2 bed, 3 bed etc.
- All Applications will be examined on estate management grounds including rent arrears.
- A successful applicant who refuses a Choice Based Letting offer will not be eligible for consideration for another Choice Based Letting Unit for a period of one year.
- Under the Choice Based Letting Scheme only the successful candidates will be notified by post.
- If you need further information regarding the Choice Based Letting scheme, please contact 0818 06 5000.