Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

World Heritage Sites Promotion

Local authorities, together with other agencies, may promote World Heritage Sites in Ireland. They do this through conservation, improved accessibility and public engagement to protect, preserve and highlight them as areas of significant cultural, historical or scientific importance.

Royal Sites of Ireland

The Royal Sites of Ireland are a group of six unique collectives of largely prehistoric monuments and sites associated in early medieval (AD 400-1200) and medieval (AD 1200-1600) texts as the principal ancient sites of royal inauguration in Ireland.

Spread throughout the island, four of the sites represent the ancient Kingdoms of Ireland and its current provinces of Ulster (Emain Macha), Munster (Rock of Cashel), Leinster (DĂșn Ailinne) and Connacht (Rathcroghan).

Visit The Royal Sites of Ireland site here.