Tipperary County Council has made its Local Authority Climate Action Plan (LACAP) and reaffirmed its commitment to the EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (an initiative supported by the European Commission bringing together thousands of local governments that want to secure a better future for their citizens).
Every local authority in Ireland is required to publish their LACAP by March 2024 setting out how they will support the National Climate Objective to achieve by no later than the end of 2050, a transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy. The LACAP sets out how, for the period 2024 – 2029, the Council will continue to build on and incorporate climate actions, including climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, in day-to-day service delivery.
100 agreed climate actions will seek to achieve the Council’s own organisational energy efficiency and emissions reductions targets and also to help other sectors and communities to achieve their climate action ambitions and targets. In addition, the LACAP sets out a vision and stakeholder actions to support the businesses and communities in the Tipperary ‘Decarbonising Zone’ in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and to benefit from climate action investment.
With respect to the Local Authority Climate Action Plan 2024 - 2029, the Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, Councillor Ger Darcy said;
‘Tipperary County Council has been one of the foremost local authorities in implementing energy efficiency measures over the last number of years and now this LACAP is an expression of the commitment of the Council to effective climate change mitigation and adaptation. It incorporates actions that support biodiversity, green and sustainable energy sources, retrofitting and energy efficiency, research and development, the bioeconomy and green enterprise, sustainable transport, empowerment of communities and businesses and the co-benefits for all of us as a result of positive climate action’. The Tipperary Decarbonising Zone, centered on the National Bioeconomy Campus at Lisheen, Thurles is exemplary and presents significant opportunities for the area and the wider county.
Noting the making of the LACAP, Joe MacGrath, Chief Executive of Tipperary County Council said;
‘There are considerable benefits and opportunities from collective climate action, including new and innovative economic development prospects and a real understanding of the role of our natural environment in both our climate change response and our own quality of life. The Council is an important enabler of climate action through the delivery of its functions and services on a daily basis and by demonstrating leadership in achieving its own emissions reductions and energy efficiency targets. The LACAP sets out challenging, but practical actions to be delivered by the Council working with lots of stakeholders. These actions have been developed with the input of staff across the Council and with the participation of external stakeholders.’
The LACAP and associated documents, including a County Climate Change Risk Assessment, Baseline Emissions Inventory for both the County and the Decarbonising Zone and all relevant environment reports may be viewed on the Councils website https://www.tipperarycoco.ie/climateaction/. Further details about the EU Covenant of Mayors may be found here https://eu-mayors.ec.europa.eu/en/home