Silouette graphic representing Tipperary


Under the Planning and Development Act 2000 proceedings can not commence.

In respect of a development where no permission was granted, after seven years from the date of the commencement of the development.

In respect of a development which was granted Planning Permission, after seven year from the date of expiration of that permission


Your name and address will be treated in strictest confidence by Tipperary County Council. You should note that under the Freedom of Information Acts a copy of a complaint can be sought, however Tipperary County Council's policy is to withhold the name and address of complainants unless consent is given to release them.


If you think you may be in breach of planning laws you should contact Tipperary County Council’s Planning Department to discuss the steps you need to take to rectify the situation.


You can inspect the Planning Register in the Planning Department.

Planning Lists and Drawings can be viewed at the Planning Public Counter or at the following links or by clicking on the Search Planning Records link on the right hand side menu.


Exempted development is development for which planning permission is not required. Generally, it includes developments of a minor nature such as

Building of an extension, shed, garage, boundary walls etc. within the curtilage of a dwelling house subject to conditions and limitations (see below) and not restricted by a condition of a planning permission.

Works that affect only the interior of a structure.

Works that do not affect the external appearance of a structure.

Some agricultural structures.

Some changes of use.

Full details of exempted development provisions including conditions and limitations is contained in Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 – 2018. The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government has produced planning leaflets for the general public in relation to frequently asked questions including exempt development Planning Leaflets

Note, in certain instances, development is restricted from exemptions. These are set out Article 9 (1) of the above Planning and Development Regulations 2001 – 2018.


Residents of the County who are 18 years or over.


The 25th of November each year (see note 1)

(Note 1: if you are 18 between 25th November and 15th February, you may apply to be registered to vote).