Silouette graphic representing Tipperary


Contact the Environment Section who might be in a position to advise. If not you will have to resolve the issue with your neighbour. Frequently such problems are caused by high trees nearby or insufficient flue height.


  • There is no legislation on indoor air quality in homes therefore there is no organisation with responsibilities for this. However If you are experiencing health problems you are advised to contact your Doctor and your Health Service Executive local office.
  • If you think the source of the air pollution is outside you can contact the Environment Section who will investigate and deal with air pollution nuisance complaints.
  • If you think the problem is caused by the building you should contact your landlord/management company/builders/homebond/building section of local authority as appropriate.
  • There are some private companies who test air quality in private dwellings. You can find a list of these in your classified directory.


Under the ‘Terms and Conditions’ tab at


If you use the supplier section of the homepage at you can search for existing OGP national procurement arrangements the various categories and sectors.


Primarily on eTenders (

It is a government requirement that the organisation’s spend on contracts over €25,000 on goods and services; €50,000 on works and works related services are advertised on eTenders.

If the spend is over €215,000 on goods and services, works related services; €5,382,000 on works, they are also advertised in the OJEU (Official Journal of the European Union) via eTenders.


Tipperary County Council participates in a range of national level procurement arrangements that are advertised on eTenders by:

  • The Office of Government Procurement (OGP)
  • SupplyGov/LGOPC under the auspices of Kerry County Council and
  • Regional arrangements

So, to find what Tipperary County Council is tendering, it is important that suppliers Register appropriately with and

To find what categories exist, or might be developed under the Quotation side of SupplyGov, contact the Customer Service Helpdesk. Phone: 076 1064020. email:


SupplyGov is a procurement system which facilitates the Local Authorities and other state agencies to run mini-tenders (from frameworks that have already been advertised on eTenders). It primarily deals with categories relating to Plant Hire; Minor Building & Civil Works and related training. has two sections

Requests for Tenders (RFTs) - Requests for Tenders are mini competitions run under Frameworks and

Requests for Quotations (RFQs)these are for under €25,000 aggregate spend

Suppliers can register at and completing the necessary checklists and documentation. All new Frameworks are published as a contract notice on eTenders, the Irish Government Portal. So it is vital that you are registered on eTenders if you want notification of relevant frameworks relating to Plant Hire; Minor Building & Civil Works and related training. You cannot join an existing framework until the framework is re-advertised.

If you need assistance in registering as a supplier with, the Customer Service Helpdesk Team will assist. Phone: 076 1064020. Email:


Go to the ‘Supplier Company Registration’ tab down the left hand side of the home page and follow the instructions.

You need to select all the classification codes that your company is interested in, so that you receive notification of relevant tenders as they are advertised. You will see the codes (NACE Codes) at this link:

If you need assistance in registering please contact the eTenders helpdesk at Tel: 021 243 92 77


In compliance with national requirements, Tipperary County Council is participating in national procurement arrangements as they come on stream. We are also developing our own frameworks where required. There will be fewer and fewer one-off quotation arrangements as the roll-out of frameworks continue. Any existing panels or other arrangements will be succeeded by advertised systems over time. These arrangements will advertised on eTenders. So another reminder, that no matter what goods or services you provide, you will receive notification if registered on eTenders with all the codes indicated if you wish to be informed.

For those goods and services the organisation uses occasionally and come under the threshold:

Be registered with SupplyGov – requests for quotations (RFQs) for under €25,000 aggregate spend

See advertisements in the local newspapers