Silouette graphic representing Tipperary


Yes. In deciding an application the planning authority must take written comments on planning matters into consideration. Such comments must be received within the first five weeks of the application and the fee of €20 paid.


Yes. Anyone who has made written comments on a planning application within the first five weeks of an application and paid a fee of €20 must be informed by the planning authority of their decision within 3 days of making it. This will usually be done by post; but where a large number of comments have been received, the planning authority may issue notification by way of a public notice in a locally circulating newspaper within 7 days. A public notice is mandatory in the case of applications accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.


You should address all comments, in writing, to the planning authority (Tipperary County Council). Every observation/comment/objection must quote the reference number allocated to the application by the authority and include a name and correspondence address and a fee of €20.


All documents relating to an application, including your written comments, will be available for public inspection.


Objections which are generally not planning related and which normally cannot be taken into account include:

disputes about property rights or location of boundaries, restriction of views from a property, where residential amenities are not affected (e.g. adequate light, overshadowing) - no one has a right to a particular view, trees, shrubs etc. overhanging a property.

If you have a complaint about any of the above, you should normally seek a remedy under civil rather than planning law. You may need to consult a solicitor about your rights in this context.Vexatious or frivolous comments will also be disregarded.


The planning authority may only consider the proper planning and development of their area and the preservation and improvement of amenities, having regard to the provisions of their development plan. Therefore, the authority may only consider objections based on planning considerations and not those based on personal dislikes or grievances, non-planning issues associated with nuisance claims or legal disputes, etc. The "proper planning and sustainable development" of an area will generally relate to:

appropriate land use (zoning), adherence to established planning and development practices, preservation, improvement and extension of amenities, traffic safety, Development density, size, location etc.

The development plan for the area will give an indication of relevant planning issues.


Any comments on a planning application must be made within the first five weeks of an application, and a fee of €20 must be paid.


There is no mechanism in the regulations for the withdrawal of an objection. You may however, make a further addition to your submission instructing the Planning Authority to disregard your original observation. This must be done as soon as possible, as we can only accept any form of submission on a planning application within the first five weeks. Both letters then remain on the file.


The planning authority may only consider the proper planning and development of their area and the preservation and improvement of amenities, having regard to the provisions of their development plan. Therefore, the authority may only consider objections based on planning considerations and not those based on personal dislikes or grievances, non-planning issues associated with nuisance claims or legal disputes, etc. The "proper planning and sustainable development" of an area will generally relate to:

appropriate land use (zoning), adherence to established planning and development practices, preservation, improvement and extension of amenities, traffic safety, Development density, size, location etc. The development plan for the area will give an indication of relevant planning issues.


Contact Curator / Reception 052 61 34552