Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle – It could save your life

What is Message in a Bottle?

The Lions Message in a Bottle is a simple idea that encourages people to keep their basic personal and medial details in a common place where they can easily be found in an emergency.

How Does it Work?

The information is kept in a bottle. The bottle is kept in the fridge, where the emergency services will expect to find it in the event of being called to your home.

They will know you have a bottle by the Message in a bottle green labels. One is fixed to inside your front door, one to the inside the rear door or main entrance to your house and the third sticker is on the door of your fridge. This ensures people are treated quickly which can save time and lives.

Medical Alert

If you wear of alert products you should continue to do so. The message in a bottle is not intended to replace these items,

All Emergency services are aware of the scheme and will use this vital life saving information in the event of an emergency.

What information is needed?

The information is very basic but you may like to ask a relative, neighbour or carer to help you.

The details required are:

  • Your full name and brief physical description
  • Your doctors name, surgery address and telephone number
  • A brief description of any medial conditions you are suffering from
  • Allergies and allergic reaction to medication
  • Location of our medication in your home
  • The names, address and phone numbers of 2 people who may be contacted in an emergency
  • Details of any pets that you may have on the premises

We also advise that you keep your repeat prescription list with you medication; this is of great help to paramedics.

A sheet is provided for you to complete together with 3 stickers.

1 sticker front door, 1 sticker back door, 1 sticker fridge door

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