Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Planning Appeals to An Bord Pleanala

Who may appeal? As an applicant, if you are dissatisfied with the Council's decision or conditions attached to a planning decision, it can be appealed to An Bord Pleanala. As an objector to a planning application, if you submitted a valid objection you can also make an appeal. If you as an objector have lost your acknowledgement of objection which was issued, a duplicate can be printed and issued to you (please contact the Council on 0761 065000), as you will need this document to make a valid appeal.

Who may appeal?

  1. As an applicant, if you are dissatisfied with the Council's decision or conditions attached to a planning decision, it can be appealed to An Bord Pleanala.
  2. As an objector to a planning application, if you submitted a valid objection you can also make an appeal. If you as an objector have lost your acknowledgement of objection which was issued, a duplicate can be printed and issued to you (please contact the Council on 0761 065000), as you will need this document to make a valid appeal.

How do I appeal?

Any appeal must be made within 4 weeks of the Council’s decision. Day one is the day on which the decision is made. See link below for the last day on which a valid appeal may be received by An Bord Pleanala (calculator calendar which appears on the home page).

Link to An Board Pleanala Website:

If you have not made a submission within the five week period but now wish to appeal under Article 37 (6) (a) of the Planning and Development Acts, a person who has an interest in land adjoining the application site may “apply to the Board for leave to appeal”. This means they have the right to make their case to the Board that they should be allowed to appeal. This must be done within four weeks from the date of the Notification of Decision.

Once an application is on appeal anybody can make a submission to An Bord Pleanala for the prescribed fee. This must be done within 4 weeks of the appeal being lodged.

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