Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

What additional documents must I submit with my Commencement Notice?

Any Commencement Notice submitted after the 1st March 2014, which come within the scope of S.I 9 of 2014must fill out an online assessment of the proposed approach to compliance with the Building Regulations and be accompanied by the following:

  • Certificate of Compliance (Design),
  • Notice of Assignment of Person to Inspect and Certify Works (Assigned Certifier),
  • Undertaking by Assigned Certifier,
  • Notice of Assignment of Builder,
  • Undertaking by builder General arrangement drawings for Building Control FAQs purposes – plans, sections and elevations;
  • A schedule of design documents currently prepared or to be prepared at a later date,
  • The preliminary inspection plan,
  • Any other documents deemed appropriate by the Assigned Certifier.