Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

What supporting documentation do I need for a Domestic Lead Remediation Grant?

Evidence of Household Income:

Persons in the PAYE, (Pay as You Earn category), need a Balancing Statement or equivalent document, P60s, for the Tax Year before the year of application;

Persons who are Self-Employed need a Notice of Income Tax Assessment or equivalent;

Both Balancing Statements and Notices of Income Tax Assessment are issued by the Revenue Commissioners. Equivalent documents include signed statements or letters issued by the Revenue Commissioners, showing the Taxable Income for the Tax year before the application was made.

Persons with an Income from Social Welfare need a Statement of Taxable Income from the Department of Social Protection.

Contractor Carrying Out the Work:

Receipts from each Contractor you engaged to carry out replacement work. These documents must outline the work carried out and the cost associated;

Certification from those Contractors who did the work to the effect that all materials used, (pipes and fittings), are of appropriate quality and that the proper standard of workmanship has been applied.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to satisfy themselves that all Contractors engaged are competent to carry out the work and suitable materials are used.

Neither the County Council or Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government will guarantee the works carried out. Payment of a Grant will not indicate that either body has responsibility in this regard or endorses the quality of work carried out;

Evidence of Tax Clearance for each Contractor engaged to carry out work. It is the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the Contractor they engage has such evidence.

Letter from Water Supplier advising that there may be lead piping present in the Applicant’s home; or

A Certificate issued within the 6 months immediately prior to the date of application by a Laboratory, which is accredited by Irish National Accreditation Board, (INAB), for testing for lead in drinking water, which shows a parametric value for lead in the water supply at your premises which exceeds the statutory limit. Currently the Statutory Limit is 10 μg/l, (10 micrograms per litre). The Laboratory issuing that Certificate must be accredited by the INAB.

Some Accredited Laboratories are:

Public Health Microbiology Laboratory, University College Hospital, Microbiology Testing Laboratory, Newcastle Road, Galway. Phone: (091) 4 54 47 86, email : ;

City Analysts, Shannon Town Centre, Shannon, Co. Clare.  (061) 36 00 3;

Environmental Laboratories Services Ltd., Acorn Business Campus, Mahon Industrial Park, Cork.  Phone (021) 45 36 141, email:;

ALS Ltd., Carrigeen Business Park, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Phone (052) 61 78 100, email: ;

DO NOTE - this is not a full list of Accredited Laboratories. Contact the INAB at Phone No 1890 289 389 for a full listing. You do need to have the Laboratory you engage confirm that they are accredited for the purpose of testing for lead in drinking water under the Drinking Water Regulations.