Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

How do I register with SupplyGov?

How do I register with SupplyGov?

SupplyGov is a procurement system which facilitates the Local Authorities and other state agencies to run mini-tenders (from frameworks that have already been advertised on eTenders). It primarily deals with categories relating to Plant Hire; Minor Building & Civil Works and related training. has two sections

Requests for Tenders (RFTs) - Requests for Tenders are mini competitions run under Frameworks and

Requests for Quotations (RFQs)these are for under €25,000 aggregate spend

Suppliers can register at and completing the necessary checklists and documentation. All new Frameworks are published as a contract notice on eTenders, the Irish Government Portal. So it is vital that you are registered on eTenders if you want notification of relevant frameworks relating to Plant Hire; Minor Building & Civil Works and related training. You cannot join an existing framework until the framework is re-advertised.

If you need assistance in registering as a supplier with, the Customer Service Helpdesk Team will assist. Phone: 076 1064020. Email: