Tipperary County Council seeks your views on the development of the County over the next 5 years.
Every five years, Tipperary County Council develops a new Corporate Plan to guide the objectives and values of the Council as we deliver for you. The preparatory work for the Corporate Plan 2024-2029 is underway and Tipperary County Council is seeking your help in identifying the challenges and strategic objectives the Council should prioritise over the coming 5 years.
The Corporate Plan will set out the Council’s vision for the next 5 years in key areas, such as Economic Development & Tourism, Community Development, Climate Change & Sustainable Development, Housing, Social Inclusion, and Infrastructure.
This survey is an opportunity for you to have input into the formulation of Tipperary County Council’s Corporate Plan for 2024-2029. Let us know what you think we should prioritise and what core values we should hold as we work with you to improve Tipperary’s economic, social, and cultural profile over the next 5 years.
Your feedback will be used to shape and inform the development of the Plan.
The survey should take less than ten minutes to complete.
The closing date for responses is Friday 9 August 2024 at 5pm.
The survey is available to complete on the Tipperary County Council website, please click here https://consultations.tipperarycoco.ie/form/corporate-plan-survey-2024-2029
Ger Walsh
Senior Executive Officer
Corporate Services