Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Will the property owner have to arrange a contractor to complete the work?

If the property owner wishes to make the property available under a lease arrangement with a local authority or AHB, then both parties sign an Agreement to Lease. This signals the property owner’s agreement to the length of the lease arrangement, the market rent of the property and a schedule of the works required.

There are two options for the completion of the necessary works.

A. Property owner arranges a contractor, or

B. Local Authority/AHB engages a contractor

Option A: Property owner arranges a contractor

Following the initial site visit by the local authority or AHB, the property owner will be responsible for the preparation of a schedule of works and must then arrange for a quote for the works and this must be agreed with the local authority/AHB before work begins. The works of repair and refurbishment are to be carried out by an approved contractor who is fully tax compliant and has furnished all necessary evidence of same to the local authority or AHB as required.

On completion of the works, the property owner should arrange for an invoice from the contractor and present this to the local authority/AHB. The local authority/AHB will arrange for a site visit to the property and if all works have been carried out to the standard required, the local authority/AHB will provide the property owner with the agreed amount to settle the invoice. Proof of payment to the contractor must be provided to the local authority/AHB within 10 working days.Option B: Local Authority/AHB engages a contractor

For property owners who may not be in a position to engage a contractor, the repair works may be carried out by, or on behalf of, the local authority/AHB. In advance of the works commencing the property owner will be required to complete a Homeowners Agreement and License which gives authority to the local authority/AHB to conduct works on the property.