Clerical Officer (Grade III) - Nenagh | Tipperary County Council (tipperarycoco.ie)
Apprentice Construction Plant Fitter
Part-time Office Cleaner (Carrick-on-Suir Municipal District Offices)
1) Clerical Officer (Grade III) – Civic Offices, Nenagh
Salary:- €27,896 - €44,860 (2nd LSI)
2) Apprentice Construction Plant Fitter (Machinery Yard, Civic Offices, Nenagh & Machinery Yard, Carrigeen Business Park, Clonmel)
Salary:- €219.24 rising to €584.65
3) Part-time Office Cleaner (Carrick on Suir Municipal District Offices) Salary €15.92 per hour
Starting pay for all new entrants will be at the minimum of the scale
Panels will be created from which both permanent and temporary positions, where appropriate, may be filled during the lifetime of the panels.
Depending on the number of applications received for the above posts, shortlisting of candidates may be necessary. Shortlisting will be based on the information supplied on your application form.
Application forms and further particulars are available on www.tipperarycoco.ie or by e-mail from recruitment@tipperarycoco.ie.
Completed, typed application forms must be returned to Human Resources Section, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Emmett Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary E91 N512, by not later than 4.00pm on Thursday, 1st February, 2024.
4 copies of application form must be submitted in hard copy only