Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

When can I cut hedgerows?

Hedgerows can only be maintained (i.e. cut) between 01st September and end February each year. Do not cut hedgerows during the bird-nesting season. With certain exemptions e.g. for reasons of health and safety, the Irish Wildlife Act 1976 to 2000 prohibits the cutting of hedgerow vegetation between 01st March and 31st August. Farms participating in REPS must not carry out hedgerow maintenance from end February to end of August.

Environment Section Officers do not have any authority under the Irish Wildlife Act 1976, as amended. Complaints about cutting hedgerows should be referred to the National Parks and Wildlife Service and/or An Garda Síochána.

Complaints in relation to hedgerows (and trees) impacting on traffic safety should be directed to the Roads Section of the Council.

For further information see:
