Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Tipperary Dance Programme

Tipperary Dance is an artist-led organisation, co-founded and directed by Alexandre Iseli, a dance artist and choreographer driven by a particular vision developed over three decades of artistic practice across Europe and the world. 

Tipperary Dance,  founded in 2008  has developed a year-round programme  to support artists and offer creative dance spaces for our communities. Their year culminates with the Tipperary Dance International Festival, which usually kicks off in the second week of October presenting international Dance Companies in Arts Centres and venues across the county in addition to a touring piece commissioned for children which toured to schools. The community programme has seen Tipperary Dance work in schools, community halls and libraries across the county since 2008. They have also worked with community groups and an Age in Movement Group which has presented work as part of the Tipperary Bealtaine Festival. A recent report gave a breakdown of the reach of this project in Tipperary since 2008. They have worked with 2578 children from 38 schools in 25 towns across Tipperary. In addition 1831 Tipperary people have attended 126 dance classes with 59 dance teachers.