Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

What can the property owner expect to receive in rent?

Rents will be agreed through negotiation with the LA/AHB. The maximum rent to be agreed under the terms of social leasing will be 80% (85% in the case of apartments) of the current market rent. Rent reviews will usually take place every three or four years.

The cost of the repairs shall be offset against the agreed rental payment until the value of the works is repaid. The LA/AHB will agree with the property owner on a case by case basis what the appropriate offset period will be. These arrangements may include scenarios whereby the offset is by way of a rent-free period; a consistent reduction over the duration of the lease or a term which is scaled against the duration of the lease as in the table below.

Cost of repairs

Minimum duration of lease

Offset to be cleared by

Up to 10,000

10 years

Year 8

Up to 20,000

15 years

Year 12

In excess of 20,000

20 years

Year 15

Overall, the benefits of the long-term lease arrangement to the property owner include -

guaranteed rent

Avoid losing rent during vacant periods

No dealing with tenants and day-to-day maintenance

No need to collect rent or finding a new tenant

Avoid advertising costs